lovingair: Leave it on until he goes limp. Take him off and let him revive. Repeat for as long as you want. (Source: Tumblr diariodeunesclavo) Please rate this Your Rating
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Gay Bondage and Breath Control
Bondage and Breath Control – NO AIR, we love it!
lovingair: Leave it on until he goes limp. Take him off and let him revive. Repeat for as long as you want. (Source: Tumblr diariodeunesclavo) Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingEmo into Chastity CB6000 Day 79 – Day 5 after Last Cumshot Wish you a blessed Advent, Sunday and a happy holiday season I know, that some of you like barefeet pictures, so this time I’m also barefoot for you… So feel free to reblog or ask me anything… …
EmoBCSMSlave into Chastity CB6000 Day 77 – Sniffing Socks Siffing worn socks —- You can also contact or add me at Twitter: @EmoBCSMSlave or GooglePlus: +GayBreathControl Please rate this Your Rating
Continue reading77 Days into CB6000 EmoBCSMSlave into Chastity CB6000 Day 77 – Day 3 after last cumshot By day 74, my master let me to cum in which he took my breath and my cock in Electro plug in (as reported). For the past three days, I am firmly closed again …
Continue readingWish that was me… (Source: Tumblr depravpig) Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingThe last time I presented myself naked, there was the legitimate argument that I would have been wearing soccer socks. For this session the socks also fallen. I sat there completely naked, my Master chained my hands with handcuffs on the back of the chair and tied my legs on …
Continue readingBubble Balloon Breath Control Wish we had a balloon like that. (Source: Tumblr rlmoby62) Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingEmo into Chastity CB6000 Day 72 Wish you a blessed Advent and a happy beginning of the holiday season So feel free to ask me anything… —- Twitter: @EmoBCSMSlave GooglePlus: +GayBreathControl Please rate this Your Rating