sneaksbdsm: Very cool!! Would like to try with my slave… Yeah! Please let’s do it! Source: Tumblr tie-me-uk) Source: Please rate this Your Rating
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Gay Bondage and Breath Control
Bondage and Breath Control – NO AIR, we love it!
sneaksbdsm: Very cool!! Would like to try with my slave… Yeah! Please let’s do it! Source: Tumblr tie-me-uk) Source: Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingThe fantasy to be in a vac bed aroused me so much… I have to be in it one day… Source: Tumblr hyper-market Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingLet us start this weekend before weekend on Thursday… – A little update of pictures in order to get attuned on the weekend. 🙂 You find a view of tomorrow at the end of this post. Gagged Bagged Blue Emo Breathplay Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingLadder Mummification I am proud to present you with the permission of LondonRopeTop pictures out of his Tumblr blog. Please visit his blog for more of his unique bondage and breath control pictures. Source: LondonRopeTop Ladder Mummification Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingcheekyvinc: Kidnap boy kept in storage Source: Tumblr cheekyvinc Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingSwim Cap Breathplay I like this play… Source: Tumblr x-rackham Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingDouble Mummy – RAWR Source: Tumblr pictorial101 Please rate this Your Rating
Continue readingpuplarkin: puppixel: rubberwooffle: A visitor in a mummy, with an incorporated gas mask! Ooooo I love the idea of incorporating a gas mask like this. puplarkin *puppy dog eyes* Dont you remember, we were going to the first time, but your gasmask was being all strange and unbreathable But you …
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