Ho! ho! ho! Santa Claus told me, if you were a firm but fair Master or a good and honest slave, then Santa will bring you all pictures of our christmas session on christmas morning. 😉
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Gay Bondage and Breath Control
Bondage and Breath Control – NO AIR, we love it!
Ho! ho! ho! Santa Claus told me, if you were a firm but fair Master or a good and honest slave, then Santa will bring you all pictures of our christmas session on christmas morning. 😉
Continue readingWe wish all of you, your top or your sub, your family and your friends merry christmas and happy holidays. 🙂 Merry Breathless Xmas! Poem: BDSM Twas Before Christmas Unfortunately, I got this poem anonymously, so I can not name the author of this poem. 🙁 But I liked it …
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