EmoBCSMSlaves Chastity Review 5/5 (14)

For my “28 Days – 28 FAPruary posts” challenge I have planned to write about my chastity belts.

EmoBCSMSlave Chastity Soccer
These are our belts…
On top FLTR: CB6000, Metal Cage, MyStim Pubic Enemy No2
Bottom: NoPacha 3D Evolution and HolyTrainer

I know some of you are interested in which chastity belts I wear. I would like to introduce you the belts. So, what would you like to know? What is important to you?

Let me know your questions.

EmoBCSMSlave Chastity Soccer
These are our belts…
On top FLTR: CB6000, Metal Cage, MyStim Pubic Enemy No2
Bottom: NoPacha 3D Evolution and HolyTrainer


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