Questions and Answers: Do you have any tips on safer breathplay?

Do you have any tips on safer breathplay?

EmoBCSMSlave said:

  1. The basic tip I’ll give you is: “NEVER EVER PLAY ALONE!”
  2. Always play with a Master you are full of trust. You must be able to trust him really. If you can’t trust your Master, you won’t have “fun”!
  3. Start with small steps. Starts with a few seconds of breath play and enhances you. The master and slave have got to learn and known the reactions of slaves body.
  4. Stop playing immediately when the slave does not feel well.
  5. Stop playing immediately when the slave will be unconscious.
  6. Play breath play with a good judgement! Listen to your common sense. Not everything needs to realize. Some just have to remain inner cinema.

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